Trapped in Bariloche

This is me complaining about my first world Covid problems. I’m thankfully largely unaffected by the disease; I have lost no one near and dear to me and for that I am grateful, but I’m still stuck.

My South America motorcycle trip started over 2 years ago and it was a smashing success. After touring 4 countries (and a smidge of Brazil), I got to see everything I wanted in Patagonia and ended up spending 5 months in the area. Then I returned to Buenos Aires and (dum dum dummmm) Covid.

Fast forward a year and I am now in Bariloche, possibly my favourite Argentinian city. I mean, just look at it!

Last time I was here in Spring and it looked even more stunning!

And with winter just around the corner, I am totally looking forward to snow. I’ve never experienced a snowy winter so there’s that to look forward to.

But Covid means there’s no place to go anymore. The second wave has hit Argentina and we are currently at the tail end of a 9 day full lockdown. Outside the lockdown, curfews prevent moving between provinces without Covid-free health certificates. All land borders to neighbouring countries are shut for the forseeable future. The plan was to head to Chile, then north towards Alaska. Back in May 2020, I thought I’d be heading that way in October 2020, then November, then February. It’s almost June 2021 now.

This sucks.